Fall Season update – Rosters,etc.

GCSA webmaster

Hello GCSA members!

I’ve been busy with my new role as League Coordinator! While I’m enjoying it, I’ve gained a lot of respect for Gary Esping, who managed this job along with so many others. No one can ever truly fill Gary’s shoes, but I’m committed to giving this position the attention it deserves. I also want to congratulate Steve Charlton on taking over my previous role as 2nd Vice President on the executive board—I have no doubt he’ll excel in the job!

Now, onto official business: Due to the limited number of league playing days (only two per week) and the high demand from players (currently 18 players per team), the executive board has decided to limit players to one playing day per week in the Fall season. This change is to ensure everyone gets a chance to participate.

To help address the limited game time, we’re planning to introduce additional practice sessions alongside the Monday and Thursday games. The executive board, managers, and coaches are working on setting up practice times or inter-squad scrimmage games on Tuesdays or Wednesdays to give everyone more opportunities to practice hitting and fielding in game-like situations. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

If someone’s name is missing from the proposed rosters, it’s likely because we don’t have a record of them submitting their registration form online, as was required and communicated last Spring. I want to thank the majority of players who completed their online forms before leaving for the season last spring—having all the registration information on hand makes this job MUCH easier, and it’s greatly appreciated!

For those who still want to play this season but haven’t registered online yet, PLEASE do so as soon as possible.

To do that, click on the link to the right –>  2024/25 GCSA Player Registration .  Here are the instructions for filling out the online registration form –>  Instructions_Player_Registration .

Below are the player rosters for Monday and Thursday. The date in parentheses indicates when each player expects to arrive at GCRV (FT stands for Full-Time resident). Players with a salmon-colored background are first-year participants. If there’s any reason your team assignment needs to be adjusted, please let me know as soon as possible so we can address the issue quickly.

Monday Thursday
Larry Haden (FT) Matt Schiermann(11/15)
Larry Rhamy (12/2) Jim Picolli(10/1)
Bob Morris(09/30) Rick Holloway(10/1)
Doug Mills(10/13) Rich Pianowski(10/1)
Brad Storer(10/15) Mike Richards(10/4)
Greg Johnson(10/17) Ron Fischer(10/8)
Dave Charlebois(10/20) Dave Petrini(10/15)
Larry Mullen(10/25) Steve Charlton(10/15)
Earl Peery(10/30) Clayton Hardy(10/15)
Gil Kjorstad(11/1) Kevin Wike(10/15)
Tom Moersch(11/1) Jeff Livingstone(10/15)
Charlie Scalva(11/1) Don Pier(10/15)
Doug Keiper(11/1) Kurt Helgevold(10/20)
Jim Kasara(9/15) Kevin Court(10/20)
Patrick Kowal(10/10) Greg Vereyken(10/20)
Darry Reinhart(12/1) Forest Reeder(11/1)
Paul Edge(11/4)

One final item – If anyone is interested in Managing and/or Coaching a team, please send Don Pier an email, ( don.pier5@yahoo.com ).  The Managers/Coaches will be announced in the next few weeks.

If you have any questions about any of this information, please feel free to call, text or email me. (717-926-4325, gcsa.web.master@thegcsa.org ).


Kevin Wike – GCSA League Coordinator/Webmaster