Annual Meeting & Elections information

GCSA webmaster

Nominations and Election for the GCSA Board

The annual membership meeting will take place on Monday, March 17th, at 10:00 AM in the Ocotillo Room at the clubhouse.

As part of the agenda, all eligible players in attendance will vote on key matters, including:

  1. The nomination and election of GCSA Executive Board Officers. Positions up for election include President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Eligibility and Nomination Process

  • All eligible current and former players are qualified to run for a position on the Executive Board.
  • If you are interested in running for a board position, please contact Greg Johnson or Kevin Wike, who are serving as this year’s Nominating Committee.
  • Candidates for officer positions may be nominated either by the Nominating Committee and/or directly from the floor during the meeting.

Your participation in this process is essential to the continued success of the GCSA. We encourage all eligible members to get involved!

Click on the link below to look at our by-laws with the descriptions of the Executive board positions, duties and responsiblities.

Current GCSA By-Laws