GCSA webmaster

Interested in playing spring softball at Sunland Springs Village(SSV)?

  Players will be put in a pool & drafted onto 4 teams in each division:
  B & C level,  plays doubleheaders on 6 Mondays from March 6th to April 19th .
  $25.00 per player.  Contact Pete Rowan, 651-361-0650 for more information.
  A & B level, plays doubleheaders for 6 weeks on Tuesdays & Thursdays from March 7th to April 13th
 $30.00 per player.   Contact Dave Chase 602-566-2284 for more information.
 Gary also has more details if you’re interested.
GCSA webmaster

Annual Fun Golf Outing 2023

Annual Fun Golf Outing 2023

Who: ALL GCSA Members, Spouses, Partners

When: Sunday March 12, 2023 – 8:30am Shotgun Start

Where: Queen Valley Golf Course – 600 N Fairway Dr, Queen Valley, AZ 85118

Format: 4 Person Teams – Scramble Foursome teams will be assigned but requests are welcomed. Best Ball, Tee to Green, 2 Drives from each player.

Prizes: Men’s and Women’s closest to the pin Men’s and Women’s closest to the line Best team score

After Party – Food and prizes at “The Pit” at 2:00pm All GCSA Members, Spouses & Partners. Bring your own beverage.

IMPORTANT! MAXIMUM OF 72 GOLFERS. CUT OFF DATE FEB 26TH Return form and payment to Doug Keiper site#155, or email [email protected]



Phone Number_____________________ Site#____________________________

#of Golfers:_________X $65.00 = $__________Check#______________________

If Possible please match me with _______________________________________




GCSA webmaster

Super Bowl Sunday!

There is a group of GCSA members that are going up to the clubhouse ballroom for the Super Bowl celebration.  Let’s get some more members and spouses to join us and sit together and have some fun!  The tickets (purchase at activities desk) cost $10 and include food.  Doors open at 4:00!   Hope to see you there!

GCSA webmaster

Pancake breakfast fundraiser # 2 is in the books!

The second Pancake Breakfast of the year took place today and Gold Canyon residents enjoyed pancakes, orange juice and our famous sausages!  After serving 364 patrons at our first breakfast two weeks ago, we followed with 336 today!  According to senior member Tom Inch, the GCSA has never done two 300+ servings in the same year.   Thanks to all our volunteers and GCRV residents for another successful fund raiser for our softball association!

And of course, Darcy was in rare form!






GCSA webmaster

Change of food for the Pit on Tuesday!

Because of late afternoon game scheduling for the Miners on Tuesday, we had to make a shift of the food being made that day. Chris Charlebois will be taking the leftover ham from the Pot luck, and supplying ham bun sandwiches.  Thanks for stepping up Chris, it’s much appreciated!  The sloppy joe sliders that were scheduled to be made by Kevin & Carol Wike, will be shifted to the following Tuesday(Feb 14th).  Hope to see you all there!

GCSA webmaster

World Baseball Classic games in Phoenix!

The World Baseball Classic starts on March 7th.  Phoenix is one of the host cities and is hosting Pool C which includes Team USA, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, and Great Britain.   The GCSA is looking for any members interested in attending the USA vs Canada game on Monday, March 13th, at 7:00 PM at Chase Field in Phoenix. Chase field is the Arizona Diamondbacks stadium.  We can get pretty good seats for approximately $60.00 per person.

At this time we can get seats grouped together, but the sooner we purchase them the better.  So I’m proposing that if you’re interested in going, please notify Kevin Wike by email ([email protected]) of your intention to go and have the money(cash or check) to him by Friday, February 10 at noon.  The tickets will then be purchased.

GCSA webmaster

Let’s help out Steve and Ginger Charlton’s granddaughter!


Hi everyone! Our granddaughter, Emrys, will be holding her annual Girl Scout cookie sale at our site on the 21st and she’s asking for your support.

The sales will help cover her troop’s service project of creating period packs for the homeless, as well as help fund their three-day trip to camp in California this May. While at camp they work hard to earn their badges and have some fun! If you’d like to help her reach her goal, you can support her by buying some cookies!

Starting today you can pre-order your cookies to guarantee that they won’t run out before you can get to them, but be quick! Pre-sale ends January 16th! Emrys and her grandpa, Steve, will deliver pre-ordered cookies at 2:00 on the 21st after the in-person sales.

Here is her link:


GCSA webmaster

First Pancake Breakfast of the season a rousing success!

Our first GCSA pancake breakfast since March 2020 was today and it can be classified as a rousing success!

248 pre-sales and 116 at the door equals a total of 364 PATRONS!  Senior members of the association agree  that this is definitely a new record!  We also had a total of 40 volunteers from the association that worked the pancake breakfast and they have to be given all the credit for todays’s success!  Everybody shook off the rust and picked up right where they left off almost 3 years ago.

50/50 tickets winners were Dan & Nancy Taylor($195).  The woodworking items(Bowl and rolling pin) Kevin Lavoi made and donated, went to Craig Bloemke and David Schaaf.

The association wants to say a big THANK YOU to all the Gold Canyon residents for coming out and supporting your softball teams!  We look forward to seeing you at the next one on February 4th!

Way to go GCSA!






GCSA webmaster

Great gathering at the Pit this past Tuesday!

What a great gathering it was at the Pit this past Tuesday.   Some of the senior guys mentioned that this was the biggest gathering at the Pit “in a loooong time”.

Everyone brought plenty of food and drink and a  good time was had by all.  Let’s continue to make this social event a priority for the GCSA!  We’ve got a bunch of new members, our organization is alive and well!

See you at the Pit on Tuesday (depending on weather)!



GCSA webmaster

Gold Canyon teams kick butt the first week of the winter season

All our Gold Canyon Softball teams opened up winter play this week with a BANG!
On Wednesday the The Copperheads beat the Sunland Springs Coyotes by the score of 17-7.
On Thursday the Nuggets squeaked by the Canyon Vistas in extra innings , 5-4, and in the second game of the doubleheader, they hammered Canyon Vistas 17-7.
Yesterday,  the Miners had a makeup doubleheader that was rained out on Tuesday with the Superstition Sunrise Sunrays. The Miners won both games convincingly, 10-6 and 14-7.
The Panners start league play this coming Monday against the Sunland Springs Village Posse, at Sunland Springs Village with games at 10:50 and 12 noon.
What a great way to start the season for the GCSA!!!!!
GCSA webmaster

Our Annual Potluck Dinner is right around the corner!

Gold Canyon Softball Association

Annual Potluck Dinner

Friday, January 20, 2023

     Clubhouse BallrooM         5:00 – Social Hour    5:30 – Dinner

Ham and rolls provided by GCSA
Bring your own Appetizers, table service, cutlery, & beverages


RSVP by January 10 to:

Robbyn Peery at [email protected]


Chris Charlebois at [email protected]


Include the following information in your RSVP:

  1.  Name of GCSA Member and Spouse/Partner
  2.  If you WILL or WILL NOT be attending (we need to hear from from you either way) . Will one or two of you be attending?
  3. Please see the list below for your potluck assignment. Each dish should be enough to feed 10 people. Please be aware that changes may have to be made. You will be notified in plenty of time if changes are needed.
Name Spouse/Partner Assigned Dish
Dale Anderson Linda Salad
David Arganbrightt Jody Salad
Mylo Bakken Gayle Salad
Jim Baltus Denise Salad
David Charlebois Chris Salad
Steve Charlton Ginger Salad
Kevin Court Tammy Salad
Larry Cox Lorraine Salad
Jeannette Drews Ray Hubble Salad
Paul Edge Kathy Salad
Gary Esping Evelyn Salad
Yvette Evans Potato Casserole
Tim Fryer Candace Potato Casserole
Hadyn Jan Potato Casserole
Clayton Hardy Sandie Potato Casserole
Chuck Hillery Perdy Potato Casserole
Mike Homan Sue Potato Casserole
Tom Inch Jessie Krum Potato Casserole
Vern Jensen Judy Erickson Potato Casserole
Greg Johnson Kathleen Potato Casserole
Doug Keiper Susan Potato Casserole
Kevin Lavoi Judy Potato Casserole
Merle Libbrecht Potato Casserole
Tim Matlock Linda Jensen Vegetables
Bill Meade LeAnne Vegetables
Tom Moersch Char Vegetables
Bob Morris Vegetables
Larry Mullen Tara Vegetables
Jim Orns Michelle Vegetables
Earl Peerey Robbyn Vegetables
David Petrini Lucy Vegetables
Rich Pianowski Helen Vegetables
Don Pier Jess Vegetables
Clay Pollert Ginny Vegetables
Forrest Reeder Bridget Bogden Vegetables
Darry Reinhart Cinda Bieber Dessert
Larry Rhamy Judy Dessert
Dick Russ Pat Dessert
Barb Sask Darcy Dessert
Charlie Seymour Dessert
Brad Storer Rietje Dessert
Adrienne VanAlstine Duff Dessert
Greg Verekyn Crystal Dessert
Michael Vikkers Beth Smith Dessert
Kevin Wike Carol Dessert
Tony Zimmerman Katie Dessert
Bill Lang Vikki Dessert
GCSA webmaster

Darcy is collecting cans & clear plastic water bottles on Thursday!

Darcy Sask is again volunteering to pick up aluminum cans and clear plastic water bottles from any site in the park on Thursday. He will be starting at 1:00. Just send him a text at 780-933-5344 and tell him what site to pick them up. He said it’s also OK to drop them off at his site, 384 on New Mexico.
Thanks Darcy!
GCSA webmaster

Todays Games are rained out!

Today’s games (Miners and Silvers 75’s) are cancelled because of very wet field conditions,  The Silvers games will not be made up.  The Miners will be made up but no details at this time