Many of you are aware that a few weeks ago our Thursday team was preparing to play the next game at the View Point ball field when one of the players in the game before ours collapsed on the field due to a heart attack.
Fortunately, one of the ballplayers on the opposing team was also a paramedic and the View Point ball field had an AED (defibrillator) available at the field, which was immediately utilized on the collapsed player along with 20 minutes of non-stop CPR by the paramedic and others. The ambulance personnel who arrived after 20 minutes said that these procedures definitely saved this man’s life. We understand that he is recovering well.
We strongly encourage everyone to consider taking advantage of a free AED training session to be conducted in the ballroom at GCRV on Wednesday, November 30th, from 1-2 pm. You may sign up for it on the clipboard describing the training sesson on the Activities Board.
You never know when you may also have an opportunity to save someone’s life,…. maybe a fellow GCSA member’s!