Volunteer Information for Upcoming Pancake Breakfast Fundraisers

GCSA webmaster


Dear Members,

Each season, our softball association hosts a series of pancake breakfasts to raise funds for essentials like bats, equipment, and league fees. This year, we have scheduled five events on the following dates: January 4, January 18, February 8, February 22, and March 8.

These breakfasts are a team effort, with players and their spouses working together to ensure smooth operations—and they’re actually a lot of fun!

Food Handlers Certification Requirement
To comply with state regulations, anyone working in the kitchen must obtain a Food Handlers Certificate. This can be completed online at eFoodHandlers for $10. The process involves passing a basic food safety test. The association will reimburse you for this cost.

If your assigned role is outside the kitchen, a certificate is not required. However, we encourage all members to obtain certification promptly so we can finalize assignments ahead of our first breakfast on January 4.

Questions or Assistance
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact me at 530-448-1552.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. Let’s make this season’s fundraisers a success!

Best regards,

Steve Charlton (530-448-1552)  Head Pancake Guy