GCSA webmaster

Volunteer Information for Upcoming Pancake Breakfast Fundraisers


Dear Members,

Each season, our softball association hosts a series of pancake breakfasts to raise funds for essentials like bats, equipment, and league fees. This year, we have scheduled five events on the following dates: January 4, January 18, February 8, February 22, and March 8.

These breakfasts are a team effort, with players and their spouses working together to ensure smooth operations—and they’re actually a lot of fun!

Food Handlers Certification Requirement
To comply with state regulations, anyone working in the kitchen must obtain a Food Handlers Certificate. This can be completed online at eFoodHandlers for $10. The process involves passing a basic food safety test. The association will reimburse you for this cost.

If your assigned role is outside the kitchen, a certificate is not required. However, we encourage all members to obtain certification promptly so we can finalize assignments ahead of our first breakfast on January 4.

Questions or Assistance
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact me at 530-448-1552.

Thank you for your cooperation and support. Let’s make this season’s fundraisers a success!

Best regards,

Steve Charlton (530-448-1552)  Head Pancake Guy


GCSA webmaster

Draft Day Results!

We’re pleased to announce the results of the 2025 Winter season Player Draft and team rosters.  Unfortunately, due to many more players age 70+ than under 70, coupled with the fact that some players are electing to play only 1 day a week, there were not enough players to field the former Prospector team on Thursday.  Your team manager and/or coach will be contacting you about team schedules, venues, etc., soon.

Let’s have a fun, healthy and cooperative season!



4 Peaks- PANNERS – (All Ages) Monday Superstition “B” Div. –  MINERS (55+)  Tuesday
Manager- Dave Charlebois Manager- Kevin Wike
Coach – Tom Inch Coach – Rich Pianowski
Dale Anderson Jim Bellaire
Kevin Court Steve Charlton
Doug Keiper Paul Edge
Gil Kjorstad Ron Fischer
Doug Mills Clayton Hardy
Tom Moersch Kevin Lavoi
Darry Reinhart Jeff Livingstone
Larry Rhamy Don Pier
Mike Richards Dave Petrini
Jim Snyder Mike Richards
Paul Edge Matt Shiermann
Superstition “D” Div – JAVELINAS – (All Ages) Tuesday  San Tan 70’s – COPPERHEADS (70+) Wednesday
Manager – Doug Keiper Manager – Dave Charlebois
Coach – Charlie Scalva Coach – Earl Peery
Kevin Court Larry Haden
Rob Irvine Greg Johnson
Jim Kasara Doug Mills
Patrick Kowal Tom Moersch
Bill Mead Bob Morris
Mark Otter Larry Mullen
Jim Picollli Jim Picolli
Forest Reeder Darry Reinhart
Vern Jensen Larry Rhamy
Brad Storer Charlie Scalva
Larry Mullen Brad Storer
Gil Kjorstad Charlie Seymour
Jim Snyder
Thursday 70’s – NUGGETS – (70+) Thursday
Manager – Greg Johnson
Coach – Steve Charlton
Dave Charlebois
Tom Inch
Chuck Hillery
Doug Keiper
Tom Moersch
Bob Morris
Larry Mullen
Earl Peery
Rich Pianowski
Darry Reinhart
Larry Rhamy
Kevin Wike
GCSA webmaster

Batting Cage

The batting cage will be unavailable from 8am to 1pm this coming Saturday, Nov. 30,  since the pitching machine will be gone during this time. It will be back up and going by 1pm.

GCSA webmaster

We need some volunteers for bingo on Wed, Nov 27th!

We need 2-3 volunteers for bingo this week to serve popcorn, sodas and water. Arrive at 6:30, leave by 8:30 ish.

Please think about volunteering some of your time to help sell concessions, it would be greatly appreciated!

If you want to commit to volunteering some time, just send an email to [email protected] with the dates and times.

Thanks in advance!

GCSA webmaster

Ordering for Softball Jackets and Pancake Polo Shirts

ORDERS MUST BE IN BY DECEMBER 10th!!Cooler weather is on its way, and so are our Pancake Breakfasts! If you’d like to order a jacket or polo shirt, reach out to Doug Keiper at [email protected] or call/text 503-319-5164.

  • Pancake Breakfast Polo Shirts: $25 (up to size XL). Add $3 for name embroidery.
  • Jackets: $55 (up to size XL). Add $3 for name embroidery.

Doug is also available at site #158 on Kansas.

GCSA webmaster

Wanted – Past Players!!!

Are you a past player?  For a modest Association fee of $35.00 you can continue to be a part of Gold Canyon Softball Association.
Associates have the following opportunities:
  1. Weekly gatherings at “The Pit”.
  2. Weekly Friday Golf Outings
  3. Fundraising Activities such as the Pancake Breakfast
  4. Winter Potluck Dinner
  5. Spring Golf Outing
  6. Inter-Squad game and after party
  7. Year-end awards banquet
Contact Doug Keiper([email protected]    503-319-5164) to sign up or for more information.  We look forward to having you continue to be part of the Association.
GCSA webmaster

Bingo Concession Volunteers!

Good day everyone!

There is a new page on the web site for members to look at, that has the Bingo Concessions volunteer schedule.  Click here to see the page –>  Bingo Concessions Volunteer Schedule .

We need 2-3 volunteers for each bingo event to serve popcorn, sodas and water. Arrive at 6:30, leave by 8:30 ish. We need volunteers every Wednesday from Nov 13 through March 19(with the exception of Dec 25, & Jan 1).

Please think about volunteering some of your time to help sell concessions, it would be greatly appreciated!

If you want to commit to volunteering some time, just send an email to [email protected] with the dates and times.


GCSA webmaster

GCSA Golf league fee correction

Sorry, made a mistake on the fees yesterday.   Below are the correct fees


  • November & April Rates
    • Walking (18 holes): $49.00
    • Riding (18 holes): $63.00
  • December 1 – March 31 Rates
    • Walking (18 holes): $60.00
    • Riding (18 holes): $74.00


GCSA webmaster

GCSA Golf League Announcement


The following message is from Tony Zimmerman.

We’re excited to announce the start of our Golf League, beginning Friday, November 15th, with the first tee time at noon. Our last league play date for the season will be April 18th.

Sign-Up Process: Please confirm your participation by the Wednesday evening before each Friday play date. You can reach out to me via cell/text(847-642-5532), email([email protected]), or in person. We have six tee times available each week, as per our agreement with the course, and I need to confirm the final count with the course by Thursday.

I’m generally available at the “Pit” on Tuesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. if you prefer to let me know in person. Once the tee times are set, I’ll follow up with a text or call to confirm.


  • November & April Rates
    • Walking (18 holes): $49.00
    • Riding (18 holes): $63.00
  • December 1 – March 31 Rates
    • Walking (18 holes): $60.00
    • Riding (18 holes): $74.00

Looking forward to another great season of golf with everyone!

GCSA webmaster

Clarification for 1st “Pit” gathering of the year!

There might have been a little confusion when I wrote “bring a potluck dish” to the 1st Pit gathering of the year.   The 1st gathering will be the typical “bring an appetizer to share” event!  Sorry for the confusion.

Also, if you are able, please bring your own place settings to this first one – we’ll be a little more organized after this!  See you Tuesday at 4:00!

Everyone is welcome – players, spouses, significant others, and associate members!




GCSA webmaster

First “Pit” gathering of the year!

Reminder: Join us for our first weekly social gathering at “The PIT” on Tuesday, November 5th, at 4:00 PM! We’ll meet at the pergola behind the Clubhouse near the pickleball courts.

Please bring a potluck dish to share and, of course, your favorite libation!

Everyone is welcome – players, spouses, significant others, and associate members!

GCSA webmaster

Thursday Fall League games are online

The Thursday Fall League game schedule has been posted on the website, except for the final two games on December 5th and 12th. For these last two games, the league officials plan to match the top teams against each other and the lower-ranked teams against each other to create more balanced competition.  As soon as I receive the info, I’ll post the last two game opponents.

I’ll be receiving the Monday Fall league schedule on Monday and should have those online shortly thereafter

You can find the schedules in two places on the website.  The first place is on the main page(thegcsa.org),  on the right hand side about half way down the page under the heading “Upcoming Games” .  The second place would be on the page ( thegcsa.org/upcoming-games ) titled “Upcoming Games.



GCSA webmaster

Correction for both upcoming Tuesday practices

Dave Charlebois did some scouting today and found that the fields at Prospector Park are closed for reseeding until November 4th, and the soccer fields are also unavailable due to significant work being done on the light fixtures.

However, he located an alternative park previously used by GCSA. It’s situated on Southern Avenue between Signal Butte and Crismon. The park features a spacious grassy field with a small backstop, and parking is available on Cheshire.

We’ll still be meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the post office and will carpool to the park.

GCSA webmaster

Two practices scheduled before Fall season starts & Batting cage net!

Two softball practices have been scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 22nd and Tuesday October 29th. at Prospector park in Apache Junction for ALL players.

We’ll meet in front of the post office on both of those days at 10:00 AM.

Also if enough able bodied players are here in the park, we are tentatively putting up the baseball batting cage net this coming Saturday at 10:00 AM.   If you can help PLEASE text me(717-926-4325) so I know if we have enough people to do this.   If we don’t have enough people for this Saturday, we’ll reschedule.

GCSA webmaster

Dues Increase

This is a reminder that member dues have been increased from $30 to $35 beginning this year.  As a courtesy to Dave Charlebois, if you’re paying with cash please have exact change.

Also, member dues and uniform pickup can be done anytime starting Wednesday October 16.  Dave Charlebois will be out of town until that date.


GCSA webmaster

Beginning/Ending dates for the fall leagues

Several members have asked me the beginning and ending dates of the fall leagues, so I figured I’d just put them on the blog.

Monday Fall League      Starting date- Monday, November 4th      Ending date- Monday December 9th

Thursday Fall League    Starting date- Thursday, Oct. 31               Ending date- Thursday, December 12th

The schedules will be coming out soon.  As soon as I get them, I’ll post them on the web site.

You can find the schedules in two places on the website.  The first place is on the main page(thegcsa.org),  on the right hand side about half way down the page under the heading “Upcoming Games” .  The second place would be on the page ( thegcsa.org/upcoming-games ) titled “Upcoming Games.



GCSA webmaster

2024/2025 Managers & Coaches, uniform distribution, and new members!


October has arrived, and over the next few weeks, many of us will be making our way to Arizona, “snowbirding” from across North America!

Managers and Coaches

This is also the time of year when the executive board selects team managers from the list of members who have volunteered to coach for the upcoming season. Each manager then chooses their assistant coach. Below is the list of managers and coaches as of Friday, October 4th. (A few assistant coaches are still to be confirmed, and the list will be updated as selections are finalized.)

Season Team Day Ages Manager Asst. Coach
Fall Fall Monday Monday All Ages David Charlebois Tom Moersch
Fall Fall Thursday Thursday All Ages Greg Vereyken Kevin Wike
Winter Panners Monday All Ages David Charlebois Tom Inch
Winter Javelinas Tuesday All Ages Doug Keiper Charlie Scalva
Winter Miners Tuesday 55-69 Kevin Wike Rich Pianowski
Winter Copperheads Wednesday 70+ David Charlebois Earl Peery
Winter Prospectors Thursday 55-69 Greg Vereyken Clayton Hardy
Winter Nuggets Thursday 70+ Greg Johnson Steve Charlton

Arrival at GCRV and Uniform Distribution

When you arrive at GCRV and are ready to pay your yearly dues and receive your uniforms, please visit David Charlebois at site 366 New Mexico (call/text 916-501-7000).

You must already be registered to play and then you can pay the $35 membership fee. Once you’ve completed the online registration & payment(no exceptions please), David will provide your uniform.

Also, only members who requested long pants on the GCSA website during the summer will receive them. We have a limited number of extra pairs available, but they are expected to go quickly. Also note that we will no longer be handing out the old uniform pants.

New Members

Great news—7 new residents have registered to play this year! Please join us in welcoming: Gil Kjorstad, Jim Kasara, Jim Picolli, Rick Holloway, Jim Bellaire, Dan Howard, and Kurt Helgevold. We’re excited to have new players, so be sure to give them a warm welcome when you meet them this season!

If anyone has any questions, please contact Kevin Wike(League Coordinator) at [email protected] or 717-926-4325.