GCSA webmaster

Darcy is collecting cans!

Darcy Sask is volunteering to pick up aluminum cans from any site in the park tomorrow(Thursday). He will be starting at 1:00. Just send him a text at 780-933-5344 and tell him what site to pick them up. He said it’s also OK to drop them off at his site, 384 on New Mexico.
Thanks Darcy!
GCSA webmaster

GCSA Executive Committee Meeting -12/13/2022 – Minutes

GCSA Executive Committee Meeting

GCRV Resort-Ocotillo Room

December 13, 2022

Board Members Present:

President Barb Sask

1st Vice President Greg Vereyken

2nd Vice President Kevin Wike

Treasurer Doug Keiper

Secretary Larry Mullen


Managers and Coaches Present:

David Charlebois

Paul Edge

Gary Esping

Forrest Reeder

Darcy Sask


Also Present: Communications Officer Greg Johnson (non-voting). Johnson was invited by the President to act in his capacity as Communications Officer to assist in the dissemination of information to the Association.  

Invited to attend but declined the invitation. Copies of their email responses declining the invitation are in the possession of the Committee:

Jeannette Drews

Ray Hubble

Tim Matlock


Prior to the meeting being called to order the Secretary advised the President that a quorum was present.

President Sask called the meeting to order at 4:02pm.

President Sask explained why the meeting was being held, which was to resolve the matter of the $134 in question, which the Board and Executive Committee voted to consider the issue closed on December 6th, 2022. However, since Jeannette Drews wrote additional emails to both the Board, the Executive Committee and the entire GCSA membership after that December 6th dismissal of the issue, the Board was compelled to meet again on the issue.

President Sask presented the qualifications of Treasurer Keiper:

  • Education – Associate of Applied Science Degree in Accounting, Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon.
  • Treasurer/Bookkeeper – Spanning a period of time from approximately 1994 to present he was Bookkeeper/Treasurer for approximately 10 organizations, many with budgets in excess of $200,000 + annually. 

President Sask presented the history of the issue to be considered by the Committee as follows:

Excerpts were read from several emails that had been sent by Jeannette Drews to the Executive Board where she states there is proof that Tim Matlock paid $134 for the left-over steaks from the 2022 banquet and that cash was delivered to the Treasurer.

In Jeannette’s email that was sent to the Association on Thursday, December 8, 2022 she states,

“As you can see from the attached file under the AZ Softball Association Reconciliation Detail Petty Cash, Period Ending 03/31/2022 that the $134 was reported as being received on March 27, 2022 by the Treasurer in cash since it was entered into the petty cash account by the Treasurer even though it was incorrectly reflected as a check.”

Her accounting file that was attached to her email indicates a transaction made on 03/27/2020 not March 27, 2022 as she stated in her email. That transaction consisted of a deposit made into the Association’s bank account on March 27, 2020 at 2:24 pm by Tim Matlock of two checks from Dixon Golf in the amounts of $74.00 and $60.00 ($134) and then at 2:27 pm on the same day a cash withdrawal of $134 was made by Tim Matlock. There was a typed notation in Jeannette’s records of $134 being used for “Board Appreciation Dinner” but was crossed off and thus was never used and the money was put into petty cash.

The current Treasurer advised the Executive Committee that at no time did he receive $134 from Tim Matlock.

After considerable discussion a motion was made by David Charlebois and seconded by Kevin Wike that the Association be advised:

1) The auditor accepted the financial statements for the years ending 2020, 2021 and 2022 and found no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements;

2) The GCSA Executive Committee has the utmost confidence in the current Treasurer and the previous Treasurer;

3) This matter is closed.


The GCSA Board and Executive Committee is committed to transparency in communications with the membership. Since this matter has been shared in writing with the membership, associates, and former members by the questioning party the committee feels an obligation to share the outcome of the matter with them as well. Hence, the need for this distribution of these Board minutes to the GCSA membership for clarification.

It was the consensus of the Executive Committee that no one in this situationacted with any ill intent, but rather acted, or reacted, on what they believed to be true. The Board believes that it is best to take everyone at their word and move on.

Furthermore, the Committee expressed their appreciation to Treasurer Doug Keiper for working numerous hours with the auditor to resolve this issue.  Additionally, appreciation was expressed for the past contributions of Drews, Hubble, and Matlock to the GCSA. They have served the GCSA in many capacities.

Hopefully, they will continue to support the GCSA and join us in our efforts to move the organization forward.  A motion to adjourn was made by Vereyken and seconded by Darcy Sask.



Meeting was adjourned at 4:55pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

GCSA Secretary Larry Mullen

GCSA webmaster

Congratulations to the Thursday Fall League Team!

The Thursday Fall League GCSA team captured 1st place in their division for the 2022 season!  They finished with an 8-4 record.  Below are the final standings:

Fall League - Thursday Standings

1Gold Canyon Fall Team (Thursday) (All Ages)840.667016012337
2Sunland Springs Village Rattlers750.58311521475
3Golden Vista660.5002119140-21
4Viewpoint Banditos390.2505144165-21
5Lost Dutchman Miners000.0002000
5Sunland Springs Village Coyotes000.0002000
5Superstition Sunrise000.0002000



GCSA webmaster


We’ll be having a practice on Saturday morning at Prospector Park in Apache Junction.   We’ll be leaving the parking lot at 10:00 AM.  If we have enough players we might be playing an intrasquad game.

GCSA webmaster

Pancake Breakfast Planning Meeting on Wednesday

There is a Pancake Breakfast Planning Meeting scheduled Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 at 3 PM in the Saguaro room in the clubhouse.  We encourage members to attend this meeting!

The Pancake breakfasts are by far the GCSA’s biggest fundraiser of the season.   It allows us to keep the costs (currently $30) low for playing softball.  It also helps to keep our equipment in good shape.

It’s your organization, so please volunteer your time for our upcoming breakfasts, which are January 14th, February 4th, February 18th, March 4th, and March 18th.

Thank you!

GCSA webmaster

Mistake on start times for Mondays games

There has been a start time change for this coming Monday’s(12/12/22) games, that I was not aware of.   The start times originally showed as 9:10 AM and 10:20 AM.  They have been modified to 11:30 and 12:40.   These are the games with the Gold Canyon Fall Monday team vs. the SSV Rattlers.  Sorry for the mistake.

Kevin Wike


GCSA webmaster

Monday’s game is cancelled!

The Monday Fall team’s games against Superstition Sunrise tomorrow, December 5th are cancelled because of poor field conditions from the heavy rain we had yesterday and today.  No makeup date has been set.

GCSA webmaster

How to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training session

Many of you are aware that a few weeks ago our Thursday team was preparing to play the next game at the View Point ball field when one of the players in the game before ours collapsed on the field due to a heart attack.
Fortunately, one of the ballplayers on the opposing team was also a paramedic and the View Point ball field had an AED (defibrillator) available at the field, which was immediately utilized on the collapsed player along with 20 minutes of non-stop CPR by the paramedic and others.  The ambulance personnel who arrived after 20 minutes said that these procedures definitely saved this man’s life.  We understand that he is recovering well.
We strongly encourage everyone to consider taking advantage of a free AED training session to be conducted in the ballroom at GCRV on Wednesday, November 30th, from 1-2 pm.  You may sign up for it on the clipboard describing the training sesson on the Activities Board.
You never know when you may also have an opportunity to save someone’s life,…. maybe a fellow GCSA member’s!